Restaurants in Kyoto

Don't miss it in Kyoto! Stroll around "Ponto-cho" where you can enjoy Kyoto's historical backstreet gourmet such as traditional Kyoto cuisine.

"Ponto-cho", now it's recognized as Kyoto's special backstreet gourmet spot.

Many of those who have never been there or even never heard of, probably could not read its name, but it's called "Ponto-cho". The origin of the name is believed to come from Portuguese.

Ponto-cho was a path in pleasure quarter in old time where geiko-san (professional female artistic entertainers) and maiko-san (apprentice of geiko) were often passing by. Even now there are still those kind of restaurants. The path which links Ponto-cho-kitazume (from Sanjo side) and Ponto-cho-minami-zume (from Shijo side), running from North to South, still keeps Kyoto's nostalgic atmosphere, and is loved by many people.

Recently people come here not only from Japan, but also from foreign countries, and they try to take pictures of very unique scenery of Kyoto, because it is completely different from ordinary life.

If you walk Ponto-cho, you may see many gourmet restaurants on both side of the path such as traditional cuisine of Kyoto.

There are many genres such as "Kyo Ryori (Kyoto cuisine)", "Sosaku Ryori (Fusion)", "Yoshoku (Western cuisine)", "Steak", "Sushi", "Kushikatsu (Deep fried pork sticks)", "Motsunabe (internal organs hot pot)" and "Bar", and most of them have good "taste" and "atmosphere". That's the reason why they are popular.

Besides, from Spring through Summer to Autumn, there are seasonal attractions and events, for example "Kamogawa Noryodoko" (Kawadoko, low floor down to river) is constructed and "Kamogawa odori (dance)" is carried out in Spring. If you want to experience "Authentic Kyoto", this is absolutely must see spot.

We would like to introduce such an atmospheric backstreet gourmet spot "Ponto-cho".

Table of contents for this article

1, Basic and useful information of "Ponto-cho" in Kyoto
2, What are charms of "Ponto-cho" which keeps on enchanting people?
3, List of recommended bars & gourmet restaurant visited by the editorial dept.
4, Recommended! Summer seasonal scenery in Kyoto "Kamogawa Noryodoko"
5, Comments from EnjoyJapan! Edit dept.
6,Access to "Ponto-cho" in Kyoto
7, Recommended information around Ponto-cho

1, Basic and useful information of "Ponto-cho" in Kyoto

Basic information

Ponto-cho of day time in Kyoto

Name: Kyoto "Ponto-cho"
Prefecture: Kyoto
Area: Kyoto city area (around Shijo-Kawaramachi, Sanjo)

●Sanjo side area (Ponto-cho kitazume)

Postal code:604-8002
Address: 122Kiyamachi-dori, Ishiyamacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto
Tel: No

●Shijo side area (Ponto-cho minamizume)

Postal code: 604-8014
Address: 171-4 Kashiwayacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto

Closed: Closed days may vary depending on restaurant
Hours: Hours may vary depending on restaurant
Official site:

・Ponto-cho Noren-kai official site:http://www.ponto-chou.com/index.html

Useful information

Less than 10 minutes walk from the nearest station: Yes
Free Wi-Fi: May vary depending on shop
Credit Card: May vary depending on shop
Purpose: Family/Friends/Alone/Date
Foreign language speaking staff: May vary depending of shop
Smoking/Non-smoking: May vary depending on shop
Parking: No
Standard staying time: 2 hours or more
Other useful information:

・Ponto-cho is bustling with tourists now. On weekends and holidays it is very crowded, therefore, we recommend that visitors make advance reservation or avoid busy hours.
・The period of Kamogawa Noryodoko is from May 1st to September 30th in 2016.

2, What are charms of "Ponto-cho" which keeps on enchanting people?

Tourists who visited Ponto-cho during their trip to Kyoto were satisfied. We introduce the charms of Ponto-cho which keeps on enchanting people.

The most charming point is authentic Kyoto taste! Still keeps nostalgic atmosphere of pleasure quarter!

Ponto-cho of day time in Kyoto

Speaking of "Charms of Ponto-cho", first of all, nothing would be better than its scenery of Kyoto taste. Its history as a old pleasure quarter still keeps the taste of authentic Kyoto and entertains visitors.

It is only a narrow path behind main street, but once you enter, you would see different world from the ordinary scenery. On both side of the path many restaurants and bars are jostling and red paper lanterns hanging on each bar create unique atmosphere.

Furthermore, as Ponto-cho runs from the North Sanjo area to the South Shiji area, it's fun to walk along the path not only for gourmet but just to feel the atmosphere.


Kyoto's summer scenery "Kamogawa Noryodoko" is one of Kyoto's highlight

Besides, "Kamogawa Noryodoko" which appears from "Spring" through "Summer" to "Autumn" is the attractions that you should not forget.



Day time in the middle Summer is hot, but in Spring or Autumn, having lunch is pleasant watching Kamogawa river water flow.

@baci_yukaが投稿した写真 -


And around dusk, most of restaurants with Kawadoko open and start bustling. Why don't you enjoy splendid time sitting on cool river side and having Kyoto cuisine and good alcohol together?

"Kamogawa odori (dance)", which dates back to Meiji, is also seasonal attraction in Spring!

よーこさん(@yoco_405)が投稿した写真 -


cspoさん(@cspo)が投稿した写真 -


Charm of Ponto-cho is not only backstreet gourmet. Events such as "Kamogawa odori", which is said to have started in 1872 (Meiji 5th) for prosperity of Kyoto, are carried out in "Ponto-cho Kaburenjo" as Spring seasonal trasition.

Usually it's not easy to be able to see dance of Maiko-san or geiko-san, but in "Kamogawa odori" you can admire their beautiful dancing figures on the stage.

【Schedule of 2016】

Period: From May 1st Sunday to 24th Tuesday
Hours: Starts 12:30〜/14:20〜/16:10〜
Fee: Special seat with tea serving 4,800 yen / Special seat 4,200 yen / Standard seat 2,300 yen / Tea serving 700 yen

Official site of Kamogawa odori

3, List of recommended bars & gourmet restaurants visited by the editorial dept.

There are numerous restaurants and bars in Ponto-cho, and among them, here are recommended ones visited by EnjoyJapan! Editorial dept staffs.

As we visit a new bar/restaurant, the information will be added to this list.

Kushikatu (deep fried pork skewers) & Wine "Wabiya Rakuchutei"

Kawadoko in Rakuchutei, Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Once you enter, you are in fashionable atmosphere very different from typical Kushikatsu bar, and you can enjoy food in the unique mood. Fusion style Kushikatsu in this restaurant are different from ordinary ones, and you just order recommended course. There are also many kinds of wine carefully selected in order to match to Kushikatsu, and you can enjoy marriage of food and wine.

【Kushikatsu in Wabiya Rakuchutei】

Kushikatsu course menu of Rakuchutei in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Kushikatsu course menu of Rakuchutei in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Kushikatsu course menu of Rakuchutei in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Kushikatsu course menu of Rakuchutei in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Kushikatsu course menu of Rakuchutei in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

In this order, you can enjoy each piece one after another. And how to eat each ingredient is explained by staffs, so please visit this restaurant.

【Restaurant information】

Open hours:

17:00 〜 23:30 ※L.O.22:30

Closed: Not regularly
Address: Higashi gawa, Shijo dori Ponto-cho agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26015074/

Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho

Nigirizushi of Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

The popular Sushi bar in Ponto-chois Edomaezushi "Kappa Zushi". Only after your order chefs make Sushi with fresh fish of the day. Outstanding deliciousness because of taste of the fish and perfect matching rice ball. Plus, the price is reasonable so that you can go without hesitation.

Just for your information, there is no relationship with revolving Sushi chain "Kappazushi".

【Nigirizushi and other sushi of Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho】

Nigirizushi of Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Nigirizushi of Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Dishes of Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Dishes of Kappa Zushi in Ponto-cho, Kyoto

There are selection of dishes not only Sushi, but also "Otsukuri (raw fish)", "Yakimono (grilled fish)", "Chawanmushi (steamed egg custard)", "Akadashi (red miso soup)" and "other a la carte dishes".

Working hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30
17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Shiori Bldg.1F・2F, 160 Matsumoto-cho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.suishin.co.jp/kappa/

European cuisine Kaiyotei

serinkoさん(@serinko25)が投稿した写真 -


Popular long-established "European cuisine Kaiyotei" in Ponto-cho. You can taste extremely cared western cuisine to your heart's content, which is inherited from old time. It's completely different from ordinary western style restaurant, so please experience "Kaiyotei" European cuisine.

At lunch time "Western style lunch box" and dinner time "courses" are recommended.

【Restaurant information】

Open Hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30
17:00 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:20

Closed: Tuesdays/New Year Day holidays
Address: Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-221-3607
URL: http://www.kaiyoutei.com/


@vonnekhooが投稿した写真 -


In Ponto-cho, there are "Bars" where you can relax and enjoy alcohol drinks. "Bar ATLANTIS" is recommended among them.

The atmosphere of inside the bar is silent, and two kinds of seats are set; "counter" and "table seats". From Spring to Autumn seasons ,celebrating "Kamogawa Noryodoko", in Bar ATLANTIS appears Kawadoko seats. Sitting on Kawadoko and enjoy "Bar" style is specialty. It is a combination of Kyoto atmosphere and modern fashionable taste, and that is an experience which you can enjoy only here feeling pleasant wind and having fancy alcohol.

【Bar information】

Open hours:

18:00 〜 26:00 ※L.O.25:30
※Sundays/18:00 〜 25:00 ※L.O.24:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: 161 Matsumotocho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.atlantis-net.co.jp/

List of bars/restaurants in Ponto-cho

Here we introduce the other bars/restaurants in addition to above ones, that EnjoyJapan! visited.

【List of bars/restaurants on Ponto-cho Noren-kai site】

Restaurants and bars including traditional cuisine

List of places where alcohol is available

4, Recommended! Seasonal scenery in Kyoto "Kamogawa Noryodoko"

Kawadoko of Kamogawa Noryodoko

Speaking of Kyoto's Summer seasonal scenery, bustling Kamogawa Noryodoko along Kamo river is famous. As Kyoto is a basin, "cold in Winter and hot in Summer" climate is characteristic, and during Summer, open air "Kawadoko" along Kamo river appears in order to feel cooler, admiring the river, blown by night cool wind, and having alcohol and dinner.

This is "Kamogawa Noryodoko", and "Kawadoko" can be seen in bars and restaurants along Kamogawa river.
We would like to introduce the bars and restaurants with Kawadoko "Kamogawa Noryodoko", which is only in Kyoto.

Map of bars and restaurants with Kamogawa Noryodoko

Kushikatsu course of Rakuchutei in Ponto-cho, Kyoto
Quote: Kyoto Kamogawa Noryodoko Association Official Site/http://www.kyoto-yuka.com/shop/

【List of bars and restaurants with Kawadoko/Ponto-cho kitazume to minamizume area】

Japanese cuisine and Izakaya/Kyomiwashoku Genjian

Open hours: 17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.24 o'clock/Kawadoko until 23:00 ※L.O.23 o'clock
Closed: Not regularly
Address: Sanwa Bldg 1F, Sanjo-ohashi nishizume kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-241-7765

Kyoto cuisine and Kaiseki /Ponto-cho Fumiya

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30
17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: No closed day
Address: Kaburenjo minamidonari 2-kenme, Ponto-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-211-5054
URL: http://www.pontocho-fumiya.co.jp/

Fusion/Akaneya Junshinken

Open hours:

12:00 〜 14:00 ※L.O.13:30
17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Hashishita-cho 136, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-212-8224

Japanese/Ponto-cho Robin

Open hours:

11:30 〜 14:30 ※L.O.13:30
16:30 〜 23:00 ※L.O.21:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Ponto-cho dori Wakamatsu-cho 137-4, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city

French Kaiseki Dining//Ponto-cho Misogigawa

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.13:30
17:00 〜 22:30 ※L.O.20:30

Closed: Wednesdays
Address: Higashigawa, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-221-2270
URL: http://www.misogui.jp/

Japanese/Dining Ushinohone Honten

Open hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30
11:30 〜 14:30 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30
17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:45

Closed: No closed day
Address: Wakamatsu cho 137-12, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru 2-chome, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.ushinohone.com/

Kyoto cuisine and kaiseki/Ponto-cho Karyu

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.21:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Higashigawa 4 banro on the left end, 10th building from Kaburenjo, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-255-9977
URL: http://c-and-d.net/karyu/

Kappou and Kaiseki/Ishihara

Open hours:

around 17:00 〜 around 23:00

※Kawadoko is available only one group each day

Closed: No closed day
Address: 139Wakamatsu-cho, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-221-4566
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26010010/

Italian/Mimasuya ITALIANO KYOTO

Open hours:

11:00 〜 14:00 ※L.O.14:30

17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30
※Kawadoko until 23:00

Closed: No closed day
Address: 140-2 Wakamatsucho, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.the-la-mart.com/mimasuya/index.html

Japanese Chinese Fusion/Ponto-cho Hanameguri

Open hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Tuesdays
Address: 141-12 Wakamatsu-cho, Ponto-cho 2 chome, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-213-5678
URL: http://www.tenkaippin.co.jp/company_group/hanameguri.html

Japanese Chinere Fusion/Ponto-cho Ajigasane

Open hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Mondays
Address: 141-4 Wakamatsucho, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-256-1777

French/Kyoto French Kishimoto

Open hours:

11:30 〜 14:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:30

Closed: Tuesdays
Address: 141 Wakamatsucho, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-221-7321
URL: http://www.french-kishimoto.com/

Kyoto cuisine/Uryu

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.21:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Ponto-cho koen kita 4 kenme, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://c-and-d.net/uryu/

Japanese Western Izakaya/Shiki Yoshina

Open hours:

17:00 〜 22:30 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Not regularly
Address: Jidokoen kita 4kenme Higashi, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://yoshina.net/

Beef Kaiseki and Sukiyaki/Kyoto Beef Inayoshi

Open hours:

11:30 〜 14:30 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed:No closed day
Address: 150 Umenokicho, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://inayoshi-cp.co.jp/

Kushikatsu/ Wabiya Rakuchutei

Open hours:

17:00 〜 23:30 ※L.O.22:30
※Kawadoko 17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Not regularly
Address:Higashi gawa, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city

Kyoto cuisine/ Kyomachi

Open hours:

17:30 〜 22:30 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Sundays and National holidays
Address: 156 Umenokicho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26006470/

Kyoto cuisine/Ponto-cho Mimasuya

Open hours:

17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30
※Kawadoko 12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00/17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Matsumoto-cho 157-1, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru 4 chome, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26006470/

Kyoto cuisine/ Ponto-cho Mimasuya

Open hours:

17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30
※Kawadoko 12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00/17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Matsumoto-cho 157-1, Ponto-cho dori Sanjo kudaru 4 chome, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city

Sushi/Ponto-cho Kappa Zushi

Open hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30

17:00 〜 24:00 ※L.O.23:30

Closed: No closed day
Address: Shiori Bldg.1F・2F, Matsumotocho 160, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city

Fusion/Iwayaki Pontocho Kotoshi

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: No closed day
Address: Higashigawa, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26005473/


Open hours:

18:00 〜 26:00 ※L.O.25:30
※Sunday/18:00 〜 25:00 ※L.O.24:30

Closed:No closed day
Address: Matsumotocho 161, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.atlantis-net.co.jp/

Kyoto cuisine/ Dining Yamatomi

Open hours:

12:00 〜 14:00

16:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30
※Saturday, Sunday and National holidays/12:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30

Address: Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.kyoto-yamatomi.com/

Kyoto cuisine/Kyoto fusion dining Hoshoan

Open hours:

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Address: 1F Shiko kaikan Bldg., Nabeyacho 227, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26027255/

Kyoto cuisine/ Suigetsu Pontocho

Open hours:

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Not regularly
Address: 229 Nabeyacho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26003054/

Steak bar/Sasora East

Open hours:

12:00 〜 16:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30

●Bar time
17:00 〜 late night

Closed: Thursdays (restaurants)
Address: 230-1 Nabeya cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-256-8668
URL: http://sasora.jp/

Kyoto cuisine/Daitoryo

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30

16:30 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:00

Closed: Tuesdays
Address: 232-8 Nabeyacho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
Tel: 075-221-5663
URL: http://pontocho-daitoryo.com/

Kyoto cuisine/Nagamegawa

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.21:30

Closed: Tuesdays
Address: Higashigawa 8 kenme, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://c-and-d.net/nagame/

Western/Western Home style dining Fry Pan

Open hours:

18:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30

Closed: Thursdays
Address: Higashigawa 8 kenme, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26023601/

Home style dining/Nomitabe dokoro Nontei

Open hours:

18:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:30

Closed: Thursdays
Address: Higashigawa 7 kenme,Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260301/26000700/

Italian/Kyoto Italian Quatre Saisons

Open hours:

11:30 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:00

18:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Not regularly
Address: 232-12 Nabeyamacho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~quatre/

Izakaya/Kyo no Izakaya Pontocho Ponto

Open hours:

17:00 〜 23:00 ※L.O.22:00

Closed: Not regularly
Address: 232-13 Nabeyacho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26003450/

Kyoto cuisine/Takara

Open hours:

12:00 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:30

Closed: Not regularly
Address: 173-2 Kashiwayacho, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260201/26002901/

Western/European cuisine Kaiyotei

Open hours:

12:00 〜 15:00 ※L.O.14:30

17:00 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:20

Closed: Tuesdays/New Year's holidays
Address: Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.kaiyoutei.com/

Kyoto cuisine/Pontocho Izumoya

Open hours:

11:30 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:00
※Kawadoko 11:30 〜 15:30 ※L.O.15:00/17:00 〜 22:00 ※L.O.21:00

Closed: Not regularly
Address: Kashiwayacho 173-2, Ponto-cho dori Shijo agaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto city
URL: http://www.kaiyoutei.com/

Photos of Kamogawa Noryodoko

@yy_haruchanが投稿した写真 -


In night time Kamogawa river are more bustling with Kawadoko.
View of Kamogawa Noryodoko from Shijo Ohashi bridge is unique during the event.

Naoさん(@naonao.0702)が投稿した写真 -



@kakacskが投稿した写真 -


Cold beer, sitting on Kawadoko and admiring Kamogawa river in a hot Summer day, nothing can be better than that!

5, Comment from EnjoyJapan! Editor

Ponto-cho enchants us no matter how many times we have visited. From Spring to Autumn seasons if you walk there with Yukata, that will be "Authentic Kyoto" experience. Especially numerous gourmet restaurants and bars, ranging from old traditional Kyoto cuisine to casual bars, made Ponto-cho as a "Eating" place for various people. If you plan to go to Kyoto and would like to visit authentic Kyoto spots, please do not forget to add "Ponto-cho" to your must see list.

6, Access to Ponto-cho, Kyoto

Ponto-cho runs from North Kitazume Sanjo area to South Minamizume Shijo area. The followings are access information to get to both ends.

Access to Ponto-cho Kitazume (North)

Postal code:604-8002
Address: 122 Ishiyacho Kiyamachi dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto
Tel: No
Transportation (Trains):

5 minutes walk from "Sanjo Keihan" station of Keihan line
5 minutes walk from "Sanjo Keihan" station of Kyoto city metro line

Access to Ponto-cho Minamizume (South)

Postal code:604-8014
Address: 171-4 Kashiwayacho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto
Tel: No
Transportation (Trains):

5 minutes walk from "Gion Shijo" station of Keihan line
3 minutes walk from "Kawaramachi" station of Hankyu line

7, Recommended information around Ponto-cho


What are charms of Kyoto's traditional "Ponto-cho Kappa Zushi", where "hospitality" of sushi shef besides to sushi itself entertain the guests?

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Date created:2016/07/08

Last update:2016/09/07

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Restaurants   Osaka  Osaka Other areas
At "GOKAN-Kitahama Honkan", enjoy the cakes and lunch in a retro, western-style builing! Colorful sweets such as cake made from rice, are perfect for special treat for yourself or as gifts!
Restaurants   Osaka  South of Osaka(Sakai, KIX Airport)
The Tempura place that opens at midnight!? Let's experience the crispy and delicious Tempura at the popular "DAIKICHI" where there is a consistent waiting line.
Restaurants   Kyoto  Kyoto Other areas
Winter Kyoto becomes a fantastic world! Introducing highlights and information of the largest illumination event in Kyoto, "ROHM ILLUMINATION 2016" where 800,000 lights are being lit!
Restaurants   Osaka  Osaka city(Tennoji, Abeno)
A very popular, new style ramen of fluffy and YUZU flavored "ESPUMA (thermo whip)" on the thick, white chicken broth. Introducing the originality of "FUKURYU RAMEN SOUHONKE"!
Restaurants   Osaka  Osaka city(Shinsaibashi, Nanba)
"KOUGARYU AMERICAMURA HONTEN" is a popular Takoyaki shop with its history of over 40 years ! Discover the secrets of the prestigious Takoyaki shop listed in 'Michelin'!

TOP 10 Popular Spots

Restaurants   Osaka  Osaka Other areas
Their specialty "Tuna" is served in a variety of exquisite dishes from raw Sashimi to Aburi roast. Unveiling the amazing Tachinomi bar "IZAKAYA TOYO" that a long waiting line is always formed, even right after its opening.
Restaurants   Osaka
¥100 Sushi! "KURA sushi" is cheap and delicious conveyor belt sushi restaurant.
Restaurants   Kyoto  Kyoto city(Kibune, Kurama, Ohara)
Kifune, a popular Summer resort in Kyoto! Enjoy cool breeze in "Hirobun", where Nagashi Somen (Flowing cold noodles) and Kawadoko ryori are local specialty!
Featured   Osaka
Intruducing the most recommended & popular "Super Sento (deluxe public bath)" in Osaka! Exclusively chosen by Onsen-lovers!
Introducing the most recommended and most popular "Super Sento" in Osaka. These are the choices made by onsen lovers, a listing of best "Supser Sento" from each of the three areas of Osaka City area, Northern Osaka area, and Southern Osaka area. Also introduced are the latest information of Osaka's "Super Sento."
Activity   Osaka  Osaka Other areas
"Niji no Yu Osaka Sayama"! Enjoy the open-air bath with fine view that you can look at the waterfall!
Activity   Osaka  Osaka Other areas
Paradise on the top floor of the building? Take the bath under the sky! Super Sento "Natural Hot Spring Naniwa no Yu".
Activity   Kyoto  Kyoto city(Kibune, Kurama, Ohara)
Popular Day Trip Spa in Kyoto "Kurama Onsen"! Enjoy and have a luxury time in the outdoor hot spring surrounded by beautiful mountains.
Activity   Osaka  South of Osaka(Sakai, KIX Airport)
"RINKU NO YU" The popular Super Sento near from Kansai airport! Take the open-air bath and feel the sea breeze!
Restaurants   Osaka  Osaka Other areas
It's worth while waitting! "Harukoma Sushi". Freshness, big size topping, delicious and reasonable sushi restaurant in Osaka.
Sightseeing   Hyogo  Kobe city(Harborland area)
Let's see night view of Kobe port from "Mosaic Big Ferris Wheel" located in "Harborland", a popular date spot in Kobe!